Mar 4, 2010

How to Replace Heating Element for SMD rework "hot air" stations?

the 2 wires = for analog rework stations
the 4 wires = for digital rework stations or those hot air with digital temperature display


How to Know if the Heating Element of your SMD rework hot air station is busted?

-->1. pls refer to page 7 of the hakko 850B manual. easy lang ang pagreplace ng heating element.
a good heater must have resistance of 70 -100ohms for 220V. if wala na sa ganyang range , busted heater siya & need to replace

a. open the handle

b. measure the resistance value using a multimeter

actual pics. click to enlarge. ang nakapicture dyan is a brand new heating element, na ipapalit sa busted heating element